  Course Management
GPA Configuration

Course ID: Description:
Calculation Type Grade Type Credits Attempted Include in GPA Credited
Athletic Yes No Yes No
Bishop Amat Yes No Yes No
Cal Grant Yes No Yes No

Course List
 Course ID  Description
 BU130  Word Processing
 BU401  Accounting
 BU402  Marketing Through Social Media
 BU527  Digital Literacy
 BU529  Beginning Office
 BU530  Advanced Office
 BU531  Beginning Office 2000
 BU532  Advanced Office 2000
 BU533  Web Design
 BU534  Adv. Web Design (flash)
 BU536  Bus. Analysis w/Excel
 BU537  Data Analysis
 BU601  Game Design
 BU602  C++ Programming
 BU603  Directed Lab Study
 BU604  Intro to Programming
 BU605  AP Comp Sci Principles
 BU606  AP Computer Science A
 BU631  Intro to Business
 BU632  Personal Finance
 BU633  Intro to Quantum Computing
 BU635  Intro to Artificial Int.
 CS100  Christian Service
 EN101  English I
 EN103  English I
 EN105  Hons Comp & Lit I
 EN107  Accel Comp & Lit I
 EN117  Freshman Comp
 EN131  Freshman Comp
 EN201  English II
 EN207  Hons Comp & Lit II
 EN301  English III
 EN307  Hons Amer Lit III
 EN309  AP English Language
 EN401  English IV
 EN407  Hons British Literature
 EN409  AP English Literature
 EN501  Journalism
 EN502  Journalism
 EN521  Creative Non-Fiction
 EN531  Speech
 EN532  Competitive Speech
 EN533  Literature of Sport
 EN534  The Short Story
 EN535  Creative Writing
 EN536  Literature & Film
 EN537  Poetry & Composition
 EN538  Composition & Rhetoric
 EN635  Shakespeare
 EN637  Science in Literature
 EN901  IB English HL 1
 FA101  Beginning Band
 FA500  Instruments
 FA501  Art I
 FA502  Art Appreciation
 FA503  Music Appreciation
 FA504  Advanced Band
 FA505  Drama
 FA506  Beginning Dance
 FA507  Lancer Chorus
 FA507G  Lancer Chorus
 FA508  Intermediate Dance
 FA509  AP Art History
 FA510  Dance Production
 FA511  Lancer Chorus
 FA511B  Lancer Chorus
 FA513  A Cappella Choir
 FA521  Lancer Chorus
 FA522  Art History
 FA523  Theatre Arts
 FA524  Technical Theater & Design
 FA531  Advanced Drama
 FA533  Adv Theatre Arts
 FA535  Lancer Chorus
 FA536  Chamber Singers
 FA537  Honors Chamber Singers
 FA601  Art II
 FA602  Digital Video
 FA603  Yearbook
 FA604  Advanced Yearbook
 FA605  Broadcast Journalism
 FA606  Digital Photography
 FA607  Honors Yrbk: Adv Design & Pub
 FA609  AP Studio Art
 FA610  AP Studio Art - Drawing
 FA611  AP Studio Art - 2D Design
 FA612  AP Studio Art - 3D Design
 FA613  AP Drawing
 FA614  AP 2-D Art & Design
 FA615  AP 3-D Art & Design
 FA629  Comp Graphic Design
 FA630  Adv. Comp Graphic Design
 FA631  Graphic Design
 FA632  Digital Design I - Graphics
 FA633  Digital Design II - Multimedia
 FA634  Digital Art & Design
 FA906  IB Visual Arts I SL
 FA907  IB Theatre Arts I HL
 FA909  IB Visual Arts 1 HL1
 FL101  Spanish I
 FL102  French I
 FL103  Latin I
 FL107  Accel Spanish I
 FL201  Spanish II
 FL202  French II
 FL203  Latin II
 FL207  Accel Spanish II
 FL301  Spanish III
 FL302  French III
 FL303  Latin III
 FL309  AP Spanish Language
 FL403  Latin IV
 FL409  AP Spanish Literature
 FL630  Spanish Short Story & Comp.
 FL902  IB French I AbInitio
 HE531  Clothing I
 HE532  Clothing II
 HE533  Clothing III
 HE534  Clothing IV
 HE535  Interior Design
 HE536  Advanced Clothing
 HE537  Clothing 1A
 HE538  Fashion,Textiles & Apparel
 HE631  Child Development
 HE632  Child Development II
 HE633  Consumer Economics
 HMRM09  Homeroom 9
 HMRM10  Homeroom 10
 HMRM11  Homeroom 11
 HMRM12  Homeroom 12
 IB131  IB English HL 1
 IB141  IB English HL 2
 IB201  IB Visual Arts SL
 IB202  IB Theatre Arts SL
 IB203  IB Music Group Performance SL
 IB231  IB Visual Arts HL 1
 IB232  IB Theatre Arts HL 1
 IB233  IB Music HL 1
 IB241  IB Visual Arts HL 2
 IB242  IB Theatre Arts HL 2
 IB243  IB Music HL 2
 IB300  Spanish III
 IB301  IB Spanish SL
 IB302  IB French SL
 IB303  IB Latin SL
 IB304  IB Dance SL
 IB305  IB French HL1
 IB306  IB Latin HL1
 IB307  IB Latin HL2
 IB308  IB French HL2
 IB309  IB Dance HL2
 IB310  IB Dance HL 1
 IB331  IB Spanish HL 1
 IB341  IB Spanish HL 2
 IB391  IB French AbInitio l
 IB392  IB French AbInitio 2
 IB401  IB Mathematics SL
 IB402  IB Mathematics SL2
 IB403  IB Math Studies SL
 IB431  IB Mathematics HL 1
 IB431AP  IB Mathematics HL 1
 IB431SL  IB Mathematics HL 1
 IB441  IB Mathematics HL 2
 IB531  IB Theory of Knowledge
 IB541  IB Theory of Knowledge
 IB544  IB Environ Sys & Societies SL
 IB601  IB Biology SL
 IB602  IB Sprts, Exrcse, Hlth Sci SL
 IB631  IB Biology HL 1
 IB641  IB Biology HL 2
 IB701  IB Chemistry SL
 IB702  IB Economics SL
 IB731  IB Hist of the Americas HL1
 IB741  IB Hist of the Americas HL2
 MA001  Pre Algebra
 MA002  Pre Algebra
 MA101  Algebra I
 MA105  Honors Algebra I
 MA107  Accel Algebra I
 MA111  Algebra IA
 MA121  Algebra IB
 MA201  Geometry
 MA205  Hons Alg II/Geometry
 MA207  Hons Geometry
 MA211  Algebra IC
 MA221  Geometry IA
 MA301  Survey of Mathematics
 MA305  Intermediate Algebra
 MA307  Hons Alg II/ Trig
 MA311  Geometry IB
 MA321  Geometry IC
 MA406  Statistics
 MA407  AP Statistics
 MA408  AP Calculus BC
 MA409  AP Calculus AB
 MA410  Differential Equations
 MA411  Integrated Math
 MA419  AP Precalculus
 MA421  Trigonometry
 MA500  History of Math
 MA501  Algebra II
 MA502  Adv. Algebra/Trig
 MA601  Math Analysis
 MA607  Hons Math Analysis
 MA905  Hons Math Analysis
 ND101  Study Skills
 ND121  English Second Language
 ND201  Advanced Study Skills
 ND321  SAT Prep
 ND400  Student Leadership
 ND401  Student Government
 ND411  Off Campus
 ND421  Off Campus
 ND511  Study Hall
 ND521  Study Hall
 ND530  Tutoring Aide
 ND531  Office Aide
 ND532  Office Aide/Health
 PE100  Health
 PE101  PE/Health
 PE102  PE/Health
 PE102BB  PE Basketball/Health
 PE102FB  PE Football/Health
 PE105  PE Dance/Health
 PE500  Marching Auxiliary
 PE501  PE Drill Team
 PE502  PE Pep Squad
 PE503  PE Pep Squad
 PE510  PE Volleyball
 PE510NV  PE Volleyball
 PE511  PE Baseball
 PE511VB  PE Baseball
 PE512  PE Basketball-Girls
 PE513  PE Basketball-Boys
 PE513NV  PE Basketball
 PE514  PE Football
 PE515  PE Soccer-Girls
 PE515FR  PE Soccer-Girls/Health
 PE515NV  PE Soccer-Girls
 PE516  PE Softball
 PE516FR  PE Softball/Health
 PE517  PE Soccer-Boys
 PE517FR  PE Soccer-Boys/Health
 PE517NV  PE Soccer-Boys
 PE517VS  PE Soccer-Boys
 PE518  Fitness
 PE518G  Fitness
 PE519  Physical Conditioning
 PE520  PE Volleyball
 PE520NV  PE Volleyball
 PE521  PE Baseball
 PE521VB  PE Baseball
 PE522  PE Basketball-Girls
 PE523  PE Basketball-Boys
 PE523NV  PE Basketball
 PE524  PE Football
 PE525  PE Soccer-Girls
 PE525NV  PE Soccer-Girls
 PE526  PE Softball
 PE527  PE Soccer-Boys
 PE527NV  PE Soccer-Boys
 PE527VS  PE Soccer-Boys
 PE528  Fitness
 PE528G  Fitness
 PE529  Physical Conditioning
 PE601  Athletic Training
 PE603  Marching Dynamics
 PE604  Marching Dynamics
 RE101  Catholicism & Scripture
 RE111  Intro to Catholicism
 RE111i  Intro to Catholicism
 RE121  Hebrew Scriptures
 RE131  Christ in Scripture
 RE131i  Christ in Scripture
 RE132  Christology
 RE132i  Christology
 RE201  Christian Morality
 RE211  New Testament
 RE221  Christian Morality
 RE231  Paschal Mystery
 RE232  Christ Mission
 RE311  Social Justice
 RE312  Sacraments
 RE313  Faith in Action
 RE314  Sacraments/FIA
 RE321  Sacraments
 RE322  Social Justice
 RE323  Faith in Action
 RE324  Morality/FIA
 RE406  Christian Discipleship/FIA
 RE408  Eyewitnesses Church History
 RE410  Sacred Scripture
 RE411  Christian Vocations
 RE412  Church
 RE413  Christian Leadership
 RE414  Christian Vocation/FIA
 RE421  Church
 RE422  Christian Vocations
 RE423  Christian Leadership
 RE424  Christian Discipleship
 RE425  Church History
 RE426  World Religions
 RE427  Sacred Scripture/FIA
 RE428  Church History in Modern World
 RE611  Christian Service
 RE612  Christian Service OC
 RE621  Christian Service
 RE622  Christian Service OC
 RE630  Intro to Philosophy
 RE631  Science & Faith
 RE632  Morality in the Media
 RE635  Comparative Religions
 RE908  Theory of Knowledge
 SC101  Integrated Science
 SC102  Physical Science
 SC105  Biology
 SC107  Honors Biology
 SC200  Chemistry
 SC201  Biology
 SC207  Honors Biology
 SC401  Physics
 SC403  AP Physics 1
 SC407  Honors Physics
 SC409  AP Biology
 SC500  Anatomy & Physiology
 SC501  Chemistry
 SC502  Anatomy & Physiology
 SC507  Honors Chemistry
 SC509  AP Chemistry
 SC510  Honors Anatomy & Physiology
 SC630  Chemistry in the Comm.
 SC631  Sports Medicine
 SC632  Marine Biology
 SC633  Oceanography
 SC634  Planetary Geology
 SC635  Robotic Engineering
 SC904  AP Biology
 SS109  AP Human Geography
 SS201  World History
 SS207  Honors World History
 SS209  AP European History
 SS301  U.S. History
 SS307  Honors U.S. History
 SS309  AP U.S. History
 SS400  Student Leadership
 SS409  AP Government
 SS411  U.S. Government
 SS412  Economics
 SS415  Hons Economics
 SS417  Honors Economics
 SS419  AP Microeconomics
 SS421  Economics
 SS422  U.S. Government
 SS427  Honors Economics
 SS429  AP Macroeconomics
 SS430  AP Human Geography
 SS437  Honors Psychology
 SS439  AP Psychology
 SS457  Honors U.S. Government
 SS467  Honors U.S. Government
 SS477  Hons U.S. Government
 SS630  Psychology
 SS631  Criminal Justice
 SS632  Ethnic Studies
 SS633  American Legal Studies
 SS635  Hist. of West. Philosophy
 SS636  American Hist in Film
 SS637  Soc & Cul Hist Amer Sports
 SS903  Honors U.S. History
 SSE001  Math Skills Review
 SSE002  Introduction to Algebra
 SSE003  Language Arts
 SSE004  Test Prep 101
 SSE005  Introduction to Spanish
 SSE006  Introduction to French
 SSE007  Introduction to Coding
 SSE009  Visual Arts
 SSE011  Theatre Arts
 SSE013  World of Science
 SSE014  Voice Class
 SSE015  Instruments
 SSE017  Intro to Robotics
 SSE019  Physical Conditioning
 SSE14  Voice Class
 SUM001  Algebra Fundamentals
 SUM002  General Math
 SUM003  Pre-Algebra
 SUM004  Math Foundations
 SUM005  English 1A
 SUM006  Study Skills
 SUM006A  Success for Effective Teens
 SUM007  Algebra Fundamentals
 SUM008  Beginning Algebra I
 SUM009  Advanced Algebra I
 SUM101  Algebra I-A
 SUM102  Algebra I-B
 SUM103  Algebra I-C
 SUM104  Algebra I-C - mkup
 SUM105  Algebra I-B - mkup
 SUM107  Freshman Composition
 SUM108  Integrated Science
 SUM109  Physical Science
 SUM110  Algebra I - Sem 1
 SUM111  Algebra I - Sem 2
 SUM112  English I
 SUM113  Accel. Spanish I
 SUM114  Spanish I
 SUM115  French I
 SUM201  Geometry I-A
 SUM202  Geometry I-B
 SUM203  Geometry I-C
 SUM204  Accel. Spanish II
 SUM205  Geometry - Sem 1 - mkup
 SUM206  Geometry - Sem 2 - mkup
 SUM207  Latin II - Sem. 2
 SUM208  Accel. Alg I - Sem 1
 SUM209  Accel. Alg I - Sem 2
 SUM210  Geometry - Sem 1
 SUM211  Geometry - Sem 2
 SUM2111  Hons Geometry Sem 1
 SUM2112  Hons Geometry Sem 2
 SUM212  English II
 SUM213  Spanish II
 SUM214  French II
 SUM215  World History
 SUM216  World History - Sem 2
 SUM217  Biology
 SUM218  Hons Biology
 SUM219  Biology - Sem 1
 SUM220  Biology - Sem 2
 SUM2211  Hons Geometry Sem I
 SUM306  Hons Alg. II/Trig.
 SUM307  Hon. Algebra II/Trig - Sem. 1
 SUM308  Hon. Algebra II/Trig - Sem. 2
 SUM309  Algebra II - Sem 1
 SUM310  Algebra II - Sem 2
 SUM311  Short Story
 SUM312  U.S. History
 SUM313  Algebra II - mkp
 SUM314  Spanish III
 SUM315  Survey of Mathematics - Sem 1
 SUM316  Survey of Mathematics - Sem 2
 SUM317  Chemistry - Sem 1
 SUM318  Chemistry - Sem 2
 SUM318IB  IB Biology SL
 SUM319  English III
 SUM320  Hons U.S. History
 SUM321  Hons Math Analysis
 SUM322  Math Analysis
 SUM322IB  IB Math SL
 SUM401  Hons U.S. Government
 SUM402  Hons Economics
 SUM402IB  IB Economics SL
 SUM403  Christian Vocations
 SUM500  Art I - 2nd Sem
 SUM516  Christian Morality
 SUM517  Cont Topics In Religion
 SUM518  Word, Worship, Witness
 SUM519  Sacraments
 SUM5191  Music Appreciation Sem 1
 SUM5192  Music Appreciation Sem 2
 SUM520S1  Art I - Sem 1
 SUM520S2  Art I - Sem 2
 SUM521  Creative Non-Fiction
 SUM523  Band
 SUM524  Art II
 SUM525  Word Processing
 SUM526  SciFi & Fantasy Lit
 SUM527  Science in Literature
 SUM528  Literature & Film
 SUM529  Speech
 SUM530  Health Education
 SUM531  Health Education - Session I
 SUM532  Health Education - Session II
 SUM533  Physical Conditioning
 SUM534  P.E.
 SUM535  PE Pep Squad
 SUM536  P.E. Baseball
 SUM537  P.E. Softball
 SUM538  P.E. Track
 SUM539  P.E. Basketball
 SUM542  Clothing I
 SUM543  Integrated Science
 SUM621  Trigonometry
 SUM622  Consumer Math
 SUM624  Beginning Office 2007
 SUM625  Digital Literacy
 SUM626  Algebra I Review
 SUM627  SAT Prep
 SUM628  Chamber Singers
 SUM900  Christian Service
 SUM998  Office Aide/Health
 SUM999  Office Aide

